Project Enough | The EU Innovation Radar - Enex Technologies

Project Enough | The EU Innovation Radar

Enex Technologies is proud to be one of the companies taking part at Enough, the EU-funded Research project born in 2021 that aims to review each single step in the cold chain and optimize them considering the newest technologies to make them more sustainable.

This initiative brings together 30 partners from 9 EU nations, Norway, Turkey, and the UK who share their advanced expertises in the food chain sector (refrigeration, cooking, baking, and drying).

Enough’s main objectives are:

  • reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50% by 2050
  • reducing energy use while increasing energy efficiency by 2030,
  • increasing the overall sustainability of food systems
  • and providing  innovative solutions selected for European-wide adoption.

To achieve these goals, the project is based on work packages, 11 to be precise, oriented at analyze existing data, hypothesizing data and timeframes for the years coming and communicating how the project will develop over time.

The European Commission’s Innovation Radar has selected Enex Technologies, to participate in the Enough dedicated project Ultra-low temperature CO2 direct expansion unit for food blast freezing. Thanks to the collaboration with the other two “Key Innovators” selected by the European Commission (Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet NTNU and Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – CNR, Rome)

The research is focused on four of the seventeen UN Sustainable Development Goals: N° 7: Affordable and Clean Energy; N° 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth; N°9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; and N° 12: Responsible Consumption and production.

The inclusion of Enex Technologies in this initiative opens new opportunities to collaborate with commercial or academic organizations and it will provide technologies, tools and methods to contribute to the EU Farm to Fork strategy to achieve climate neutral food businesses.

To read more about the Enough project visit: Enough or take a look at the EU Innovation Radar platform here

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CEO Enex Technologies

  • Joined Enex Technologies from Carrier, where he was Vice President and Managing Director of Carrier Residential Light Commercial Europe and Riello
  • More than 30 years of executive experience in manufacturing companies
  • Former Managing Director HVAC France at Carrier
  • Former President for Southern Europe of Xylem Inc.
  • Former Director at ITT, and Sales Engineer at CSI
  • Earned a bachelor’s degree in physics at Brighton University (UK)

Vice Chairman Enex Industrial

  • Joined ENEX Technologies from EOS Refrigeration in 2023, where he was founder & CEO
  • More than 30 years’ experience in the Refrigeration sector as a managing director and then founder of a leading ammonia refrigeration OEM, generating more than 30% annual growth
  • Launched several innovative products focused on energy efficiency and environmental sustainability
  • Obtained an Engineering degree from UPC – Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona

Chief Operating Officer

  • Based in Treviso, Italy
  • Joined Roen Est in 2020 as Chief Operating Officer
  • 20 years’ experience in operations, lean manufacturing, product commercialization and supply chain with Danfoss and Rivacold
  • Earned a degree in Engineering from the University of Saint Etienne in France

Chief Commercial Officer

  • Joined Enex Technologies from Carrier, where he was Managing Director, Commercial HVAC Europe
  • More than 20 years’ experience in the HVAC sector leading transformation, with a track record of significantly improving the financial performance of the businesses he leads
  • Earned a degree in Economics Business and Administration at Universidad Complutense
  • Completed programs at the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business, and IESE Business School

Founder Enex & CTO Enex Technologies

  • Earned a Mechanical Engineering degree from Padova University
  • Based in Padernello (TV), Italy
  • Founded Enex Srl in 2004 to design and develop high efficiency refrigeration systems using natural refrigerants with low global warming potential, revolutionizing the industry
  • Authored 16 industry papers including two international peer-reviewed journals
  • Awarded 17 patents for technological innovations that continue to advance the efficient application of CO₂ refrigeration systems in all climates