Privacy & Cookies Policy | Enex Technologies


Privacy & Cookies Policy

If you enter and consult our website, and activate its services, some data referring to you will be processed. Here below we explain what types of data and why.

Roen Est S.p.A., with registered office in Via dell’Industria, 4 – 34077 Ronchi dei Legionari (GO), is the controller of the processing of the personal data of those using this website (hereinafter “Controller” and “Website”). As such, it informs users on processing purposes and methods for the personal data acquired during navigation that you could communicate to use the services (e.g. email addresses or other contact data provided by filling in the “contacts” form).

NB – This information notice is being provided in compliance with European and Italian laws on the protection of personal data and only refers to the Website.


Navigation data

During normal operations, computer systems and software procedures operating the Website acquire personal data transferred implicitly when using Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated with identified parties. However, due to its specific nature, this information could enable user identification through processing and association with data held by third parties. This data category includes, for example: IP addresses or the domain names of computers, tablets and other tools used to connect to the website; the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of resources requested; the time the request was made; the method used to submit the request to the server; the size of the file obtained in response; the numerical code indicating the state of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the user’s operating system and computer environment. These data are only used to obtain anonymous statistical information on use of the website and to check that it operates correctly and are deleted immediately after processing.

Data provided voluntarily by the User

The – optional, explicit, and voluntary sending of emails to the addresses indicated in this Website implies subsequent acquisition of the e-mail address, data needed to respond to requests, and any other personal data possibly communicated. The Website contains forms to be filled in, provided with specific information on how personal data are processed and, where needed, with request for consent. Please kindly read it before using the forms.



As indicated above, cookies need to be collected and managed. The Controller processes your data to facilitate navigation and provide any answers or services possibly required. For forms to be filled in or to request services the User is free to provide his/her personal data for the purposes reported in the specific information notices; not providing that data could make it impossible to obtain the service requested. Storage of contact data and contents exchanged meets the legitimate interest of the Controller to guarantee the availability of information on services supplied and on the exchange of data between User and Controller, related to the rights that can be exercised based on laws in force.

Personal data will not be used for other purposes, for example commercial or marketing communications, unless based on provisions in force or on the Data Subject’s explicit consent.


The Controller will process the personal data collected during use of the Website for the time strictly needed to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. The information prepared for specific services could possibly include some specifications. Further storage takes place when needed or opportune to record activities performed, as noted above. Hence, related to terms provided for in rights or possibly laws on the storage of relevant documents.


The Controller will not circulate the data; but they will be made available to internal parties authorised to process data for their jobs and to perform activities with the Data Subject. The data or some data could be communicated to external parties if those activities should require it. If they process data on behalf of the Controller, those recipients will be appointed as processors in a specific contract or other legal deed. For further details, please refer to the policies prepared for specific services.


Your personal data will not be transferred to Third Countries (outside the European Union).


You have the right to ask the Controller to access your personal data and to rectify them if incorrect, to erase them or limit processing if those conditions are applicable, to object to processing for legitimate interests pursued by the Controller, and to obtain the portability of data provided personally, only if processed automatically based on consent or the contract. You also have the right to revoke consent given for processing purposes requiring it, with no prejudice to the legality of processing performed until it is revoked.

To exercise your rights, please contact the following address: The Data Subject also has the right to lodge a complaint with the competent authority, represented in Italy by the Privacy Authority (

Last document update: October 2022.

This policy can be amended. We therefore recommend you check the last revision date. Any amendment will come into effect from the date it is published on the Website.

Inscrivez-vous pour accéder

CEO Enex Technologies

  • Il a rejoint Enex Technologies après avoir été vice-président et directeur général de Carrier Residential Light Commercial Europe et de Riello.
  • Plus de 30 ans d’expérience en tant que cadre dans des entreprises manufacturières
  • Ancien directeur général de HVAC France chez Carrier
  • Ancien président pour l’Europe du Sud de Xylem Inc.
  • Ancien directeur chez ITT et ingénieur commercial chez CSI
  • Titulaire d’une licence en physique de l’université de Brighton (Royaume-Uni).

Vice-Président d’Enex Industrial

  • Rejoint ENEX Technologies en 2023, après avoir été fondateur et PDG d’EOS Refrigeration
  • Plus de 30 ans d’expérience dans le secteur de la réfrigération en tant que directeur général puis fondateur d’un fabriquant OEM de pointe dans le domaine de la réfrigération à l’ammoniac, qui a enregistré une croissance annuelle de plus de 30%
  • A lancé plusieurs produits innovants axés sur le rendement énergétique et la durabilité environnementale
  • A obtenu un diplôme d’ingénieur de l’UPC – Université polytechnique de Catalogne, Barcelone

Chief Operating Officer

  • Basé à Trévise, Italie
  • Rejoint Roen Est en 2020 en qualité de directeur opérationnel
  • 20 ans d’expérience dans les opérations, la production allégée, la commercialisation produit et la chaîne logistique chez Danfoss et Rivacold
  • Titulaire d’un diplôme d’Ingénierie de l’Université de Saint-Étienne, en FranceTitolo:

Chief Commercial Officer

  • Rejoint Enex Technologies après avoir occupé le poste de directeur général de Commercial HVAC Europe chez Carrier.
  • Avec plus de 20 ans d’expériences de réalisation de transformations dans le secteur CVC, il a amélioré significativement les performances financières des entreprises qu’il a dirigé
  • Diplôme d’économie, de commerce et d’administration à la Unversidad Complutense
  • A suivi des programmes à la Darden School of Business de l’université de Virginie et à l’IESE Business School.

Founder Enex & CTO Enex Technologies

  • Titulaire d’un diplôme de Génie mécanique de l’Université de Padoue
  • Basé à Padernello (TV), Italie
  • Après avoir créé Enex Srl en 2004, révolutionne le secteur avec la conception et le développement de systèmes frigorifiques haute efficacité utilisant des réfrigérants naturels à faible potentiel de réchauffement planétaire
  • Auteur de 16 publications spécialisées incluant deux revues internationales à comité de lecture
  • Titulaire de 17 brevets pour innovations technologiques permettant l’évolution des systèmes frigorifiques à CO2 en vue de leur adaptation à tous types de climats